The 5 Stages of Grief

Hey readers, today we’ll be talking about the five stages of grief.
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Now that you know the basic stages, you should also know that EVERYONE has different ways of grieving and different time periods. Because let’s be honest you never really get through it, it just more or less becomes numb over time and not everything makes you want to cry when you think about them.
My example is my grandmother, whom I lost in April of 2021 and I thought my life and world was going to end. She was my EVERYTHING, she took care of me so I wouldn’t end up in foster care. She taught me how to have a kind heart and give to others. Without her uplifting encouragement, I would be a completely different person today.
Denial: So at first when she passed, of course, I thought she would walk through the door every day for a year I was expecting her to come back home from the hospital. I wasn’t sleeping properly and when I did I didn’t want to get up, I never wanted to eat anything. And when I did eat, I just wanted to vomit it back up and I never ate too much (if I had a whole burger I would only eat half and start crying and stop again). I give all the credit to my fiancee for helping me through that difficult time, I didn’t have the strength after losing her but he was my strength.
Anger: After a while I got through the denial stage and became very angry, well it was more like bouncing back and forth. I would be angry and then in denial etc, I was angry at her for leaving me I was angry at the doctors for not taking better care of her. I was angry at God for taking her from me. I was angry at life for making me live without her.
Bargaining: Lots of times when I was in my anger stage, I would ask God why couldn’t he take me instead of her. I felt like I didn’t deserve to be here, she did. She was a sweet angel, I just missed her so much and didn’t know what to do without her.
Depression: I’ve had depression pretty much all my life, but when she died it got worse. Somedays I still don’t even feel like getting out of bed or doing anything. But when she passed, I didn’t move at all except to use the bathroom or when my friends forced me to go outside but then I would start crying all over again and it was extremely embarrassing for me to cry in front of people.
Acceptance: Slowly, I’m going through the acceptance stage, and ready to move forward now of course I still often visit the other steps. Somedays it’s more like I go through anger, denial, and depression all at the same time. Because to this day, I swear she’s coming back.
I really hope this article reaches the right audience, I really didn’t think I could live without her but I’m doing it slowly with the help of my fiancee mainly. He pulled me out of the dark hole I was in and lifted me into the light. So, definitely, without him, I really don’t know where I would be right now. Just know that someone out there loves you and if you don’t have anyone that does, I do. Remember everyone has a path and you are meant for something bigger, my grandma always taught me to chase after my dreams and be kind to people.